SIC Education
Your first steps towards the future… start here

The life expenses in northern Cyprus varies from one person to another as it depends on each person’s living standards .
However, in average life expenses ranges between 350-500 USD monthly.
Where there are many options for the student that vary between luxury and moderate that are suits the chosen quality of life for the student, as he can define his monthly budget based on what he deems appropriate.
Where he can buy meals , clothes and other life requirements from luxurious ,average or abstemious places as it suits his chosen lifestyle.
As for entering Northern Cyprus, university acceptance is sufficient to enter the country for students .
Tastes and ways of living vary from person to another , so many options are available both inside and outside the campus. Such as :
University housing:
All universities offer the option of university housing with food< and the cost varies according to these options and according to the quality of the services provided and also according to the number of participants in the housing.
Living in an apartment :
Generally this option is preferred by old students (more than one year resident) By sharing an apartment with other students, Where students are accustomed to the lifestyle in the country and know the public places and service centers there.
With this option, the student gets more personal freedom, privacy and independency.

health insurance
Universities in Cyprus provide health insurance through provision of medical services through governmental hospitals to students free of charge.
Cultural activities
Many festivals, arts and cultural performances are held annually in all universities of Cyprus. The various student clubs are spread over all activities on campus, and lots of various student clubs are located and spread inside the campus, and It receives continuous support from the university administration in both parts of the island.
also many competitions are held among students such as sports, artistic and intellectual competitions .
furthermore, Local and foreign teams participate in various shows and parties that enrich the student’s life and fill leisure time on holidays and events.